(weheartit) & (wetbehindthears) & (fashionising) & (community.livejournal)
1. A single complete pulsation of the heart.
2. A vital force or driving impulse.
3. An instant.
2. A vital force or driving impulse.
3. An instant.
Things that speed up my heartbeats: black lipstick, white ethereal dresses, watching The Outsiders (am I the only one who thinks that Matt Dillon was damn hot when he was young?), lace up boots, shiny hair, crazy nail polishes... and these pictures above, they make me want spring and summer here right now.
Soooo sorry for neglecting the blog, but this past week has been totally crazy. Really, it was TERRIBLE. I'm having exams these days and I was so bussy that I couldn't post a thing! In case you are interested, let me tell you that my first exam was horrible, really, I humilliated myself and now I'm scared to meet my teacher because I know he's going to ask me WHAT THE FUCK WAS WRONG WITH ME the examination day... and I don't know what to answer cause the truth is that I didn't study enough so... well ok, enough with the random thoughts about my studies!
But hey, there were goods things as well! Walk The Sand (http://walkthesand.blogspot.com/) gave me an award :D!! Thank you thank you thank you!! you are too kind!!
The rules:1. Accept the award by posting it on your blog, naming the person who gave you the award, and linking to their blog.
2. Pass the award on to about 15 other blogs you recently discovered and think are awesome.
3. Contact those bloggers to let them know they've been chosen to accept this too.
P.D.: Btw, The Outsiders thing made me remember that i need to get my hands in new movies to watch when I finish my exams in a couple of weeks... any movie you specially like & recommend?