
Loving this style...

mmmm I don't know who she is, but i really like her style.
p.s.: today it snowed for the first time in my city ^^
UPDATE!!: THE CORRECT SOURCE IS www.dripbook.com/laurenmelanie!! -> SOOOOO GOOD IMAGES!!!


zippora seven

If I came across a genius and he asked me who would i desire to be, hers would be one of the names taht would came to my mind.





Perfection was born in Atlanta

Such a beauty. Maybe what I like the most about her is that she's always smiling.



She's lovely, right?


Daul Kim, you will be missed

But why? you were so great... wherever you are, you will be there as great as you were in this world. It's not that i feel it, it's that i know it.

p.s.: ok, sorry about the massive amount of pictures, but i just couldn't stop uploading more and more of her soo good images.